Friday, February 6, 2009

Italian homework

Watch out for the culture project next week!

Culture Project Due Dates

Sources---------------Monday November 17
Detailed explanation--Friday December 19
Parent Note-----------Friday January 9
Final Project---------Week of February 9
Culture Fair----------Thursday March 5

Second Semester:
January 28: Petrarca--pg. 50 & 52
February 4: finish Boccaccio
February 5: No quiz
February 6: Gothic art
February 9: gothic art

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

On Heroes

Yesterday I watched the new Heroes episode, so I would like to briefly share my feelings on the episode. First of all, Nathan Petrelli--this guy has gone from a jerk to a villain, even more so than Sylar, whom we have seen to be a potentially redeemable character in one of the alternate futures. I thought it was interesting when Peter again fell for the "Come give me a hug" line. To be honest, I got a little bored about halfway through, and I watched 24, but I enjoyed the second half, with Sylar overpowering his ambushers and the heroes taking over the plane. I have always felt that the show is at its best with Sylar as a villain, so I am wondering how the writers will deal with this situation that would appear to pit both Sylar and the heroes against a common enemy.